Class SortedIterationCharIntHashMap

All Implemented Interfaces:
CharIntAssociativeContainer, CharIntMap, Iterable<CharIntCursor>

@Generated(date="2024-06-04T15:20:17+0200", value="") public class SortedIterationCharIntHashMap extends Object implements CharIntMap
Read-only view with sorted iteration order on a delegate CharIntHashMap.

In its constructor, this view creates its own iteration order array and sorts it, which is in O(n.log(n)) of the size of the delegate map. Afterward, calls to any method have the same performance as the delegate map.

This view is read-only. In addition, the delegate map must not be modified while the view is used, otherwise the iteration is undefined.

Since this view provides a fixed iteration order, it must not be used to add entries to another CharIntHashMap as this may result in a runtime deadlock. See HPPC-103 and HPPC-186 for more information.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final int[]
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a read-only view with sorted iteration order on the given delegate map.
    Creates a read-only view with sorted iteration order on the given delegate map.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addTo(char key, int additionValue)
    An equivalent of calling
    Clear all keys and values in the container.
    containsKey(char key)
    Returns true if this container has an association to a value for the given key.
    <T extends CharIntProcedure>
    forEach(T procedure)
    Applies a given procedure to all keys-value pairs in this container.
    get(char key)
    getOrDefault(char key, int defaultValue)
    indexExists(int index)
    indexGet(int index)
    Returns the value associated with an existing key.
    indexInsert(int index, char key, int value)
    Inserts a key-value pair for a key that is not present in the map.
    indexOf(char key)
    Returns a logical "index" of a given key that can be used to speed up follow-up value setters or getters in certain scenarios (conditional logic).
    indexRemove(int index)
    Removes a key-value pair at an index previously acquired from CharIntMap.indexOf(char).
    indexReplace(int index, int newValue)
    Replaces the value associated with an existing key and returns any previous value stored for that key.
    Returns a cursor over the entries (key-value pairs) in this map.
    Returns a collection of keys of this container.
    put(char key, int value)
    Place a given key and value in the container.
    Puts all keys from another container to this map, replacing the values of existing keys, if such keys are present.
    putAll(Iterable<? extends CharIntCursor> iterable)
    Puts all keys from an iterable cursor to this map, replacing the values of existing keys, if such keys are present.
    putOrAdd(char key, int putValue, int incrementValue)
    If key exists, putValue is inserted into the map, otherwise any existing value is incremented by additionValue.
    Removes all elements from the collection and additionally releases any internal buffers.
    remove(char key)
    Remove all values at the given key.
    Removes all keys (and associated values) present in a given container.
    Removes all keys (and associated values) for which the predicate returns true.
    Removes all keys (and associated values) for which the predicate returns true.
    protected int[]
    sortIterationOrder(int[] entryIndexes, CharComparator comparator)
    Sort the iteration order array based on the provided comparator on the keys.
    protected int[]
    sortIterationOrder(int[] entryIndexes, CharIntComparator comparator)
    Sort the iteration order array based on the provided comparator on keys and values.
    Returns a container view of all values present in this container.
    visualizeKeyDistribution(int characters)
    Visually depict the distribution of keys.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface com.carrotsearch.hppc.CharIntMap

    equals, hashCode, putIfAbsent

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

    forEach, spliterator
  • Field Details

    • delegate

      public final CharIntHashMap delegate
    • iterationOrder

      public final int[] iterationOrder
  • Constructor Details

    • SortedIterationCharIntHashMap

      public SortedIterationCharIntHashMap(CharIntHashMap delegate, CharComparator comparator)
      Creates a read-only view with sorted iteration order on the given delegate map. The ordering is based on the provided comparator on the keys.
    • SortedIterationCharIntHashMap

      public SortedIterationCharIntHashMap(CharIntHashMap delegate, CharIntComparator comparator)
      Creates a read-only view with sorted iteration order on the given delegate map. The ordering is based on the provided comparator on keys and values.
  • Method Details

    • sortIterationOrder

      protected int[] sortIterationOrder(int[] entryIndexes, CharComparator comparator)
      Sort the iteration order array based on the provided comparator on the keys.
    • sortIterationOrder

      protected int[] sortIterationOrder(int[] entryIndexes, CharIntComparator comparator)
      Sort the iteration order array based on the provided comparator on keys and values.
    • iterator

      public Iterator<CharIntCursor> iterator()
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns a cursor over the entries (key-value pairs) in this map. The iterator is implemented as a cursor and it returns the same cursor instance on every call to To read the current key and value use the cursor's public fields. An example is shown below.
       for (IntShortCursor c : intShortMap) {
         System.out.println("index=" + c.index + " key=" + c.key + " value=" + c.value);

      The index field inside the cursor gives the internal index inside the container's implementation. The interpretation of this index depends on to the container.

      Specified by:
      iterator in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<CharIntCursor>
    • containsKey

      public boolean containsKey(char key)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns true if this container has an association to a value for the given key.
      Specified by:
      containsKey in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
    • size

      public int size()
      Specified by:
      size in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns the current size (number of assigned keys) in the container.
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Return true if this hash map contains no assigned keys.
    • removeAll

      public int removeAll(CharContainer container)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Removes all keys (and associated values) present in a given container. An alias to:
      but with no additional overhead.
      Specified by:
      removeAll in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns the number of elements actually removed as a result of this call.
    • removeAll

      public int removeAll(CharPredicate predicate)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Removes all keys (and associated values) for which the predicate returns true.
      Specified by:
      removeAll in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns the number of elements actually removed as a result of this call.
    • removeAll

      public int removeAll(CharIntPredicate predicate)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Removes all keys (and associated values) for which the predicate returns true.
      Specified by:
      removeAll in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns the number of elements actually removed as a result of this call.
    • forEach

      public <T extends CharIntProcedure> T forEach(T procedure)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Applies a given procedure to all keys-value pairs in this container. Returns the argument (any subclass of CharIntProcedure. This lets the caller call methods of the argument by chaining the call (even if the argument is an anonymous type) to retrieve computed values.
      Specified by:
      forEach in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
    • forEach

      public <T extends CharIntPredicate> T forEach(T predicate)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Applies a given predicate to all keys-value pairs in this container. Returns the argument (any subclass of CharIntPredicate. This lets the caller call methods of the argument by chaining the call (even if the argument is an anonymous type) to retrieve computed values.

      The iteration is continued as long as the predicate returns true.

      Specified by:
      forEach in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
    • keys

      public CharCollection keys()
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns a collection of keys of this container. The returned collection is a view over the key set and any modifications (if allowed) introduced to the collection will propagate to the associative container immediately.
      Specified by:
      keys in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
    • values

      public IntContainer values()
      Description copied from interface: CharIntAssociativeContainer
      Returns a container view of all values present in this container. The returned collection is a view over the key set and any modifications (if allowed) introduced to the collection will propagate to the associative container immediately.
      Specified by:
      values in interface CharIntAssociativeContainer
    • get

      public int get(char key)
      Specified by:
      get in interface CharIntMap
      Returns the value associated with the given key or the default value for the value type, if the key is not associated with any value. For numeric value types, this default value is 0, for object types it is null.
    • getOrDefault

      public int getOrDefault(char key, int defaultValue)
      Specified by:
      getOrDefault in interface CharIntMap
      Returns the value associated with the given key or the provided default value if the key is not associated with any value.
    • put

      public int put(char key, int value)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Place a given key and value in the container.
      Specified by:
      put in interface CharIntMap
      The value previously stored under the given key in the map is returned.
    • putAll

      public int putAll(CharIntAssociativeContainer container)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Puts all keys from another container to this map, replacing the values of existing keys, if such keys are present.
      Specified by:
      putAll in interface CharIntMap
      Returns the number of keys added to the map as a result of this call (not previously present in the map). Values of existing keys are overwritten.
    • putAll

      public int putAll(Iterable<? extends CharIntCursor> iterable)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Puts all keys from an iterable cursor to this map, replacing the values of existing keys, if such keys are present.
      Specified by:
      putAll in interface CharIntMap
      Returns the number of keys added to the map as a result of this call (not previously present in the map). Values of existing keys are overwritten.
    • putOrAdd

      public int putOrAdd(char key, int putValue, int incrementValue)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      If key exists, putValue is inserted into the map, otherwise any existing value is incremented by additionValue.
      Specified by:
      putOrAdd in interface CharIntMap
      key - The key of the value to adjust.
      putValue - The value to put if key does not exist.
      incrementValue - The value to add to the existing value if key exists.
      Returns the current value associated with key (after changes).
    • addTo

      public int addTo(char key, int additionValue)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      An equivalent of calling
       putOrAdd(key, additionValue, additionValue);
      Specified by:
      addTo in interface CharIntMap
      key - The key of the value to adjust.
      additionValue - The value to put or add to the existing value if key exists.
      Returns the current value associated with key (after changes).
    • remove

      public int remove(char key)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Remove all values at the given key. The default value for the key type is returned if the value does not exist in the map.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface CharIntMap
    • indexOf

      public int indexOf(char key)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Returns a logical "index" of a given key that can be used to speed up follow-up value setters or getters in certain scenarios (conditional logic).

      The semantics of "indexes" are not strictly defined. Indexes may (and typically won't be) contiguous.

      The index is valid only between map modifications (it will not be affected by read-only operations like iteration or value retrievals).

      Specified by:
      indexOf in interface CharIntMap
      key - The key to locate in the map.
      A non-negative value of the logical "index" of the key in the map or a negative value if the key did not exist.
      See Also:
    • indexExists

      public boolean indexExists(int index)
      Specified by:
      indexExists in interface CharIntMap
      index - The index of a given key, as returned from CharIntMap.indexOf(char).
      Returns true if the index corresponds to an existing key or false otherwise. This is equivalent to checking whether the index is a positive value (existing keys) or a negative value (non-existing keys).
      See Also:
    • indexGet

      public int indexGet(int index)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Returns the value associated with an existing key.
      Specified by:
      indexGet in interface CharIntMap
      index - The index of an existing key.
      Returns the value currently associated with the key.
      See Also:
    • indexReplace

      public int indexReplace(int index, int newValue)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Replaces the value associated with an existing key and returns any previous value stored for that key.
      Specified by:
      indexReplace in interface CharIntMap
      index - The index of an existing key.
      Returns the previous value associated with the key.
      See Also:
    • indexInsert

      public void indexInsert(int index, char key, int value)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Inserts a key-value pair for a key that is not present in the map. This method may help in avoiding double recalculation of the key's hash.
      Specified by:
      indexInsert in interface CharIntMap
      index - The index of a previously non-existing key, as returned from CharIntMap.indexOf(char).
      See Also:
    • indexRemove

      public int indexRemove(int index)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Removes a key-value pair at an index previously acquired from CharIntMap.indexOf(char).
      Specified by:
      indexRemove in interface CharIntMap
      index - The index of the key to remove, as returned from CharIntMap.indexOf(char).
      Returns the previous value associated with the key.
      See Also:
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Clear all keys and values in the container.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface CharIntMap
      See Also:
    • release

      public void release()
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Removes all elements from the collection and additionally releases any internal buffers. Typically, if the object is to be reused, a simple CharIntMap.clear() should be a better alternative since it'll avoid reallocation.
      Specified by:
      release in interface CharIntMap
      See Also:
    • visualizeKeyDistribution

      public String visualizeKeyDistribution(int characters)
      Description copied from interface: CharIntMap
      Visually depict the distribution of keys.
      Specified by:
      visualizeKeyDistribution in interface CharIntMap
      characters - The number of characters to "squeeze" the entire buffer into.
      Returns a sequence of characters where '.' depicts an empty fragment of the internal buffer and 'X' depicts full or nearly full capacity within the buffer's range and anything between 1 and 9 is between.