Class FloatStack

    • Constructor Detail

      • FloatStack

        public FloatStack()
        New instance with sane defaults.
      • FloatStack

        public FloatStack​(int expectedElements)
        New instance with sane defaults.
        expectedElements - The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause buffer expansion (inclusive).
      • FloatStack

        public FloatStack​(int expectedElements,
                          ArraySizingStrategy resizer)
        New instance with sane defaults.
        expectedElements - The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause buffer expansion (inclusive).
        resizer - Underlying buffer sizing strategy.
      • FloatStack

        public FloatStack​(FloatContainer container)
        Create a stack by pushing all elements of another container to it.
    • Method Detail

      • push

        public void push​(float e1)
        Adds one float to the stack.
      • push

        public void push​(float e1,
                         float e2)
        Adds two floats to the stack.
      • push

        public void push​(float e1,
                         float e2,
                         float e3)
        Adds three floats to the stack.
      • push

        public void push​(float e1,
                         float e2,
                         float e3,
                         float e4)
        Adds four floats to the stack.
      • push

        public void push​(float[] elements,
                         int start,
                         int len)
        Add a range of array elements to the stack.
      • push

        public final void push​(float... elements)
        Vararg-signature method for pushing elements at the top of the stack.

        This method is handy, but costly if used in tight loops (anonymous array passing)

      • pushAll

        public int pushAll​(FloatContainer container)
        Pushes all elements from another container to the top of the stack.
      • pushAll

        public int pushAll​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends FloatCursor> iterable)
        Pushes all elements from another iterable to the top of the stack.
      • discard

        public void discard​(int count)
        Discard an arbitrary number of elements from the top of the stack.
      • discard

        public void discard()
        Discard the top element from the stack.
      • pop

        public float pop()
        Remove the top element from the stack and return it.
      • peek

        public float peek()
        Peek at the top element on the stack.
      • from

        public static FloatStack from​(float... elements)
        Create a stack by pushing a variable number of arguments to it.
      • clone

        public FloatStack clone()
        Clone this object. The returned clone will reuse the same hash function and array resizing strategy.
        clone in class FloatArrayList
      • retainAll

        public int retainAll​(FloatLookupContainer c)
        Default implementation uses a predicate for retaining.
        Specified by:
        retainAll in interface FloatCollection
        Returns the number of removed elements.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Convert the contents of this container to a human-friendly string.
        toString in class java.lang.Object