Interface LongObjectAssociativeContainer<VType>

    • Method Detail

      • iterator

        java.util.Iterator<LongObjectCursor<VType>> iterator()
        Returns a cursor over the entries (key-value pairs) in this map. The iterator is implemented as a cursor and it returns the same cursor instance on every call to To read the current key and value use the cursor's public fields. An example is shown below.
         for (IntShortCursor c : intShortMap) {
           System.out.println("index=" + c.index + " key=" + c.key + " value=" + c.value);

        The index field inside the cursor gives the internal index inside the container's implementation. The interpretation of this index depends on to the container.

        Specified by:
        iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<VType>
      • containsKey

        boolean containsKey​(long key)
        Returns true if this container has an association to a value for the given key.
      • size

        int size()
        Returns the current size (number of assigned keys) in the container.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Return true if this hash map contains no assigned keys.
      • removeAll

        int removeAll​(LongContainer container)
        Removes all keys (and associated values) present in a given container. An alias to:
        but with no additional overhead.
        Returns the number of elements actually removed as a result of this call.
      • removeAll

        int removeAll​(LongPredicate predicate)
        Removes all keys (and associated values) for which the predicate returns true.
        Returns the number of elements actually removed as a result of this call.
      • removeAll

        int removeAll​(LongObjectPredicate<? super VType> predicate)
        Removes all keys (and associated values) for which the predicate returns true.
        Returns the number of elements actually removed as a result of this call.
      • forEach

        <T extends LongObjectProcedure<? super VType>> T forEach​(T procedure)
        Applies a given procedure to all keys-value pairs in this container. Returns the argument (any subclass of LongObjectProcedure. This lets the caller to call methods of the argument by chaining the call (even if the argument is an anonymous type) to retrieve computed values, for example.
      • forEach

        <T extends LongObjectPredicate<? super VType>> T forEach​(T predicate)
        Applies a given predicate to all keys-value pairs in this container. Returns the argument (any subclass of LongObjectPredicate. This lets the caller to call methods of the argument by chaining the call (even if the argument is an anonymous type) to retrieve computed values, for example. The iteration is continued as long as the predicate returns true.
      • keys

        LongCollection keys()
        Returns a collection of keys of this container. The returned collection is a view over the key set and any modifications (if allowed) introduced to the collection will propagate to the associative container immediately.
      • values

        ObjectContainer<VType> values()
        Returns a container view of all values present in this container. The returned collection is a view over the key set and any modifications (if allowed) introduced to the collection will propagate to the associative container immediately.