Interface ObjectObjectMap<KType,​VType>

    • Method Detail

      • get

        VType get​(KType key)
        Returns the value associated with the given key or the default value for the value type, if the key is not associated with any value. For numeric value types, this default value is 0, for object types it is null.
      • getOrDefault

        VType getOrDefault​(KType key,
                           VType defaultValue)
        Returns the value associated with the given key or the provided default value if the key is not associated with any value.
      • put

        VType put​(KType key,
                  VType value)
        Place a given key and value in the container.
        The value previously stored under the given key in the map is returned.
      • putAll

        int putAll​(ObjectObjectAssociativeContainer<? extends KType,​? extends VType> container)
        Puts all keys from another container to this map, replacing the values of existing keys, if such keys are present.
        Returns the number of keys added to the map as a result of this call (not previously present in the map). Values of existing keys are overwritten.
      • putAll

        int putAll​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends ObjectObjectCursor<? extends KType,​? extends VType>> iterable)
        Puts all keys from an iterable cursor to this map, replacing the values of existing keys, if such keys are present.
        Returns the number of keys added to the map as a result of this call (not previously present in the map). Values of existing keys are overwritten.
      • remove

        VType remove​(KType key)
        Remove all values at the given key. The default value for the key type is returned if the value does not exist in the map.
      • equals

        boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Compares the specified object with this set for equality. Returns true if and only if the specified object is also a ObjectObjectMap and both objects contains exactly the same key-value pairs.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        A hash code of elements stored in the map. The hash code is defined as a sum of hash codes of keys and values stored within the set). Because sum is commutative, this ensures that different order of elements in a set does not affect the hash code.
      • indexOf

        int indexOf​(KType key)
        Returns a logical "index" of a given key that can be used to speed up follow-up value setters or getters in certain scenarios (conditional logic). The semantics of "indexes" are not strictly defined. Indexes may (and typically won't be) contiguous. The index is valid only between map modifications (it will not be affected by read-only operations like iteration or value retrievals).
        key - The key to locate in the map.
        A non-negative value of the logical "index" of the key in the map or a negative value if the key did not exist.
        See Also:
        indexExists(int), indexGet(int), indexInsert(int, KType, VType), indexReplace(int, VType)
      • indexExists

        boolean indexExists​(int index)
        index - The index of a given key, as returned from indexOf(KType).
        Returns true if the index corresponds to an existing key or false otherwise. This is equivalent to checking whether the index is a positive value (existing keys) or a negative value (non-existing keys).
        See Also:
      • indexGet

        VType indexGet​(int index)
        Returns the value associated with an existing key.
        index - The index of an existing key.
        Returns the value currently associated with the key.
        java.lang.AssertionError - If assertions are enabled and the index does not correspond to an existing key.
        See Also:
      • indexReplace

        VType indexReplace​(int index,
                           VType newValue)
        Replaces the value associated with an existing key and returns any previous value stored for that key.
        index - The index of an existing key.
        Returns the previous value associated with the key.
        java.lang.AssertionError - If assertions are enabled and the index does not correspond to an existing key.
        See Also:
      • indexInsert

        void indexInsert​(int index,
                         KType key,
                         VType value)
        Inserts a key-value pair for a key that is not present in the map. This method may help in avoiding double recalculation of the key's hash.
        index - The index of a previously non-existing key, as returned from indexOf(KType).
        java.lang.AssertionError - If assertions are enabled and the index corresponds to an existing key.
        See Also:
      • clear

        void clear()
        Clear all keys and values in the container.
        See Also:
      • release

        void release()
        Removes all elements from the collection and additionally releases any internal buffers. Typically, if the object is to be reused, a simple clear() should be a better alternative since it'll avoid reallocation.
        See Also:
      • visualizeKeyDistribution

        java.lang.String visualizeKeyDistribution​(int characters)
        Visually depict the distribution of keys.
        characters - The number of characters to "squeeze" the entire buffer into.
        Returns a sequence of characters where '.' depicts an empty fragment of the internal buffer and 'X' depicts full or nearly full capacity within the buffer's range and anything between 1 and 9 is between.