Class ObjectShortIdentityHashMap<KType>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectShortIdentityHashMap

        public ObjectShortIdentityHashMap()
        New instance with sane defaults.
      • ObjectShortIdentityHashMap

        public ObjectShortIdentityHashMap​(int expectedElements)
        New instance with sane defaults.
        expectedElements - The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause buffer expansion (inclusive).
      • ObjectShortIdentityHashMap

        public ObjectShortIdentityHashMap​(int expectedElements,
                                          double loadFactor)
        New instance with the provided defaults.
        expectedElements - The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause a rehash (inclusive).
        loadFactor - The load factor for internal buffers. Insane load factors (zero, full capacity) are rejected by ObjectShortHashMap.verifyLoadFactor(double).
      • ObjectShortIdentityHashMap

        public ObjectShortIdentityHashMap​(ObjectShortAssociativeContainer<? extends KType> container)
        Create a hash map from all key-value pairs of another container.